[IronPython] clr.CompileModules(.) "couldn't find member CompileModules"

Pablo Dalmazzo pablodalma93 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 25 19:52:43 CET 2010

Thank you Dino,
did you mean IronPython Studio or Visual Studio? I'm using Visual Studio.
I'm not sure, but I thought it wasnt possible to create an asp.net website in IronPython Studio (I think I've read that) and I've seen only Window applications and WPF projects in IronPython Studio

From: dinov at microsoft.com
To: users at lists.ironpython.com
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 18:03:35 +0000
Subject: Re: [IronPython] clr.CompileModules(.) "couldn't find member CompileModules"

I think this is just because it’s an old version of IronPython –
that’s the same issue with your later issue as well.  It might be possible to
replace the older binaries w/ newer 2.6 binaries but my guess is that it’d
break things in IronPython Studio it’s self.  This is one of the mail problems
w/ IronPython Studio: it’s not kept up to date L


users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On
Behalf Of Pablo Dalmazzo

Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 7:40 AM

To: IronPython Mailing list

Subject: [IronPython] clr.CompileModules(…) “couldn’t find member CompileModules”



Im getting the following error

Visual Studio 2008 Professional SP1 installed, asp.net ironpython website

import clr                  #ok

clr.AddReference('System')  #ok



"couldn't find member

Anyone got this once?

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