[IronPython] WPF / ipy: renewing data binding? Could use some guidance.

Lukas Cenovsky cenovsky at bakalari.cz
Wed Aug 18 18:15:09 CEST 2010

  Have you tried manually refreshing the CollectionView after update by 

-- Lukás(

On 18.8.2010 17:35, Ken MacDonald wrote:
> I have inherited a WPF/ipy app which is using data binding / 
> CollectionView to interact with a customer list. Steps are roughly:
> 1. query cust. list from DB, sorted by name
> 2. bind this to a CollectionView
> 3. step through the list, displaying 1 cust. at a time using the 
> CollectionView.Next/Previous (forget the exact name) operators,
>     moved thru the list in alpha-sorted order
> 4. re-sort the list by, say, customer type. Still moves thru the list 
> with Next/Previous except now sorted by type, no longer by alpha.
>     Perfect so far, but............
> 5. New customers (maybe) have been added to the DB. I re-query the 
> customer list to pick up any new ones. The new list is sorted by  
> customer type (remembered my last sort criteria).
> 6. bind this to a CollectionView.
> 7. step thru the list, using Next/Previous on the CollectionView. The 
> customers appear in *utterly random order*, not by alpha, not by 
> customer type.
> So, I'm a bit stymied. I've been looking through the MSDN but haven't 
> seen anything that addresses how to update CollectionView/data binding 
> to reflect new data in the customer list, or whether it is, in fact, 
> possible to do so. I've found a couple of hints, and tried dozens of 
> variations on the code that seems like it should "just work". It's 
> quite tempting to just maintain my own lists and navigation in python.
> I've deliberately NOT included any code; for one thing, it's scattered 
> over a number of modules of python (and XAML) but am interested in how 
> any of you would approach the re-binding-to-new-data problem; also, if 
> any of you tried it and found it equally as bizarre and arcane and 
> impossible as it seems to be for my app.
> Thanks!
> Ken
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