[IronPython] How to install 3rd part packages into IronPython ?

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 19:05:39 CEST 2010

  If I may humbly suggest:  don't use mySQLdb.
works very well with IronPython, thank you, and is also fully db api
2.0 compliant.  mySQL is one of the three database engines, along with
ACCESS (jet) and MS-SQL which I use to test it.
  For IronPython it uses the dumbest possible installation method: unzip the
package and copy it to the site-packages folder of your choice.  The
examples in the 'tests' sub-directory contain a working mySQL
connection string for a sample.
  If there are features of mySQLdb which you feel are lacking in adodbapi,
please let me know and I will see if they can be added.
Vernon Cole

P.S.: The new release of IPy has uncovered a bug in Decimal and binary data
types. I have a fix, and if all tests pass I'll upload a new version later
today or tomorrow.  It will be version 2.3.0 with some significant new
features (like switchable paramstyle.)

> On 27/04/2010 07:19, David Shieh wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> > I don't whether somebody else asked this question, but I am really
> confused
> > about this.
> > I have already installled IronPython2.6 and add it into my system's path,
> so
> > I can directly type ipy to start IronPython2.6.
> > So I tried " ipy setup.py install" to install MySQLdb, but it give me an
> > error said no module named setuptools. Then I download setuptools and
> > install it, it gave me an error:
> > No module named pkg_resources.
> > Why doesn't IronPython2.6 ship with a setuptools like easy_install ?
> > Now, I can't install any 3rd party package and don't know how to fix it.
> > Regards,
> > David
> > --
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