[IronPython] How to install 3rd part packages into IronPython ?

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Apr 27 12:44:25 CEST 2010

Hello David,

Not sure how close distutils is to working with IronPython.

The correct way to install packages for an installed version of 
IronPython *should* be to use the "user site-packages" rather than the 
global site-packages (which won't be writable for IronPython without 
admin rights):


     ipy setup.py install --user

setuptools is a complex, horrible old beast and I wouldn't like to guess 
at its IronPython compatibility. Shame MySQLdb depends on it for an 
install - but MySQLdb almost certainly depends on C extensions anyway. 
In the long run distutils2 will replace setuptools entirely (for CPython 
the distribute package has *already* replaced it whilst remaining 
compatible). The distutils2 guys are *very* open to input - so 'someone' 
should run the tests with IronPython and report any problems.

distutils used to break *after* installing a pure-Python package for 
IronPython when it attempted to do byte-code compilation. This specific 
problem is fixed in trunk but I don't know if it is fixed in the version 
of distutils shipped with IronPython 2.6. This was the last step - so 
the error was alarming but wouldn't stop the install.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 27/04/2010 07:19, David Shieh wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I don't whether somebody else asked this question, but I am really 
> confused about this.
> I have already installled IronPython2.6 and add it into my system's 
> path, so I can directly type ipy to start IronPython2.6.
> So I tried " ipy setup.py install" to install MySQLdb, but it give me 
> an error said no module named setuptools. Then I download setuptools 
> and install it, it gave me an error:
> No module named pkg_resources.
> Why doesn't IronPython2.6 ship with a setuptools like easy_install ?
> Now, I can't install any 3rd party package and don't know how to fix it.
> Regards,
> David
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