[IronPython] Wildcard conf on IIS6

Markus Törnqvist mjt at nysv.org
Mon Oct 19 09:19:27 CEST 2009

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 06:40:57PM -0600, Jeff Hardy wrote:

>> The Hello World stuff:
>> Now http://localhost/ works as well, hooray!
>So you were able to get the HelloWorld app to work using wildcards, correct?

That would be stretching the term...

Like I said in the original post, I got it working under / but
not eg. /test/ or /foo/ which would be truly wildcard.

Did URLs like that work anywhere else?

>> But where is the fail?
>I think this is going to take some deeper digging - do you know how to
>get a metabase.xml file? Can you send me a copy of yours directly

I don't, but if you tell me, I'd be happy to oblige :)



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