[IronPython] IronPython 2.6 CodePlex Source Update

merllab at microsoft.com merllab at microsoft.com
Fri May 8 17:52:00 CEST 2009

This is an automated email letting you know that sources 
have recently been pushed out.  You can download these newer 
sources directly from http://ironpython.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/49878.


Changeset Id: 861717
Date: 5/7/2009 2:21:37 PM

(dfugate) EngineTest.cs - added a second regression for CP19724
amazon.py      - updated to use a consistent version of AWSECommerceService.wsdl
test_nt.py        - added regression for CP15514
test_tuple.py   - extended regression test (test_wacky_contains)
Tutorial.htm   - removed references to CPython 25
IPTutorialTest.ps1 - CP18322 is fixed

(Shelveset: CP56;REDMOND\dfugate | SNAP CheckinId: 8269)
Changeset Id: 861404
Date: 5/7/2009 11:13:51 AM

(dinov) 16485 - AssemblyBuilder cannot be created except in SaveAssemblies mode
        this is passing, just enabling the test
20203 - SIGNOFF: test_assembly.py failing under -X:SaveAssemblies mode
                test just needs to be updated for new attributes that were added in 2.6
21976 - Executables created by Pyc.py broken without access to original Python sources
                this is passing, just enabling the test
19516 - IronTunes sample broken
                default binder should allow binding based upon .NET type, not just expression type when we hit a COM object.  This enables fallback to work when the current COM binding is insufficient.
20143 - calling close on generator does not raise GeneratorExit
                generator is getting __exit__ and __enter__ attributes on it because it's IDisposable.  We need to special case this and not allow these to show up on generators.
22235 - Improve doc strings
                adding new XML doc comments to the clr module
11334: Warnings: IP silently replaces non-ASCII chars with ?-marks (needs to warn)
                we now report an error matching the 2.6 behavior.
17461: Implement rest of thread module (mainly removing thread.lock etc)
                hiding "lock" from the module
21976 Executables created by Pyc.py broken without access to original Python sources
                this seems to be working probably due to some of the recent other pyc fixes.  Enabling the test
21343 "bytearray.split()" should remove leading/trailing whitespace       
                Fixing our splitting implementation and other test_bytes issues

(Shelveset: Beta1BugsFinal;REDMOND\dinov | SNAP CheckinId: 8266)

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