[IronPython] Problem with Creating Executable using SharpDevelop

Bruce Bromberek bruce.bromberek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 22:07:56 CEST 2009


I just went through this process recently myself.

My rules of thumb are as follows:

*When building the App:*

Look at your references to the 5 ironpython DLLs.  Decide right now:  Are
you going to use the ones that ship with SharpDevelop or the ones using that
come with IronPython.  Choose one and be consistent.

I'm still working though how to Build a WIX installer project , so I
currently ZIP up the release folder generated by SharpDevelop and make sure
everything is there.  Here's an example for a simple program I have
distributed to coworkers.

Make sure the Target machine has been upgraded to .Net 3.5 SP1.  Don't take
any flack - make them upgrade.*

*Make sure they are not running on a network share.  Weird things with trust
can happen with shares.  See my recent cry for help on this list for more


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 1:34 AM, Kelie <kf9150 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I created a simple program with a few buttons, checkboxes, textboxes,
> etc. and it worked fine. The form was created in the latest
> SharpDevelop beta version (Version : Then I compiled the
> solution. In the release folder there were these files:
> IronPython.dll
> ManningsSolver.dll
> ManningsSolver.exe
> Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll
> Microsoft.Scripting.dll
> Microsoft.Scripting.ExtensionAttribute.dll
> When tried on two computers with IronPython installed and with the
> source code files, the program worked. But it failed on another
> computer that does not have these. And error message was very
> generic .NET error. I don't exactly remember what it was. Is this
> normal?
> Btw, since I have SharpDevelop installed, do I have to install
> IronPython in order to write programs in IronPython? Or does it matter
> which version of IronPython I install. The answer seems to be "No"
> because I see those .dll files for IronPython in this folder "C:
> \Program Files\SharpDevelop\3.0\AddIns\AddIns\BackendBindings
> \PythonBinding" which are dated Feb 2009. Guess they're not the
> latest.
> Thanks,
> Kelie
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