[IronPython] IronPython at PyCon 2009

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Jan 31 22:07:40 CET 2009

The talk schedule has gone up for for PyCon 2009 in Chicago. There are 
three talks on IronPython, plus a tutorial on the Wednesday before the 

The conference dates are:

    * March 25-26th Tutorial Days
    * March 27-29th Conference
    * March 30th - April 2nd Development Sprints

Jim Hugunin is one of the invited speakers, so his talk doesn't yet 
appear on the schedule - but his usual talk is "IronPython the Road Ahead".

I've blogged about all the talks, plus the tutorial that Jonathan 
Hartley and I will be giving, on IronPython URLs.


All the best,

Michael Foord


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