[IronPython] Embedding IronPython 2.0

Renaud Durand renaud.durand.it at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 16:32:48 CET 2009


I want to use IronPython function through C#. To do It, I found a tutorial
at http://www.ironpython.info/index.php/Hosting_IronPython_2.
But the code does not seem to be updated for IronPython 2.0.

the code is :

using System;
using IronPython.Hosting;
using IronPython.Runtime;
using Microsoft.Scripting;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;

namespace EmbeddedCalculator
    public class Engine
        private ScriptEngine engine;

        public Engine()
            engine = PythonEngine.CurrentEngine;

        public string calculate(string input)
                ScriptSource source =
engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(input, "py");
                return source.Execute().ToString();
                return "Error";

// End of code

When I try to compile it in visual studio, the compiler could not find the
name "PythonEngine". I have added all the references to
the needed libraries. So, what am I missing ?

Thank you :-).

Renaud Durand
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