[IronPython] Omit SILVERLIGHT_3 from IronPython Build

Jimmy Schementi Jimmy.Schementi at microsoft.com
Mon Aug 10 20:31:52 CEST 2009

Sorry for the confusion; the IronPython CODEPLEX sources are NOT
buildable with Silverlight 2; the csproj files contain direct
references to silverlight 3 assemblies. So you need to build with
Silverlight 3 installed. However, if you want to ensure the assemblies
still work on Silverlight 2, you'll have to remove the SILVERLIGHT_3
flag; then you install SL2 and test everything out.

You are NOT required to have the silverlight tools installed to build
the ironpython binaries; just the silverlight 3 runtime.

How come you have a SL2 requirement though? You can't download SL2
from the web anymore, and everyones SL2 installs should be prompting
them to update to SL3. SL3 should be entirely backward comaptible, so
I'd like to know the reason your bound to SL2.


On Aug 10, 2009, at 10:15 AM, "Jimmy Schementi" <Jimmy.Schementi at microsoft.com
 > wrote:

> If you see errors in Stubs, then it's definitely not building in
> "Silverlight Debug" or "Silverlight Release" configurations. I'll get
> the codeplex sources and double check that things are working
> properly, but please make sure your building in the Silverlight
> configuration.
> ~Jimmy
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:00 AM, "Scott Scites" <railcar88 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I've been unsuccessful at building IronPython 2.6 B2 for a
>> Silverlight 2 environment.  Are there any special requirements other
>> than the Silverlight 2 developer tools for building IPy 2.6 B2 on a
>> vista machine?  I am using the Silverlight Release build and
>> omitting the SILVERLIGHT_3 flag.  Microsoft.Scripting.Core has
>> numerous System library conflict errors related to the stubs.cs.
>> The rest of the errors are related to the inability to find the IPy
>> libraries in the referenced directory.  Those may clear up if I can
>> get past the errors related to stubs.cs.
>> If needed, I can provide specific build error messages...they are
>> unavailable to me at the moment.
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