[IronPython] Omit SILVERLIGHT_3 from IronPython Build

Scott Scites railcar88 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 17:59:42 CEST 2009

 I've been unsuccessful at building IronPython 2.6 B2 for a Silverlight 2
environment.  Are there any special requirements other than the Silverlight
2 developer tools for building IPy 2.6 B2 on a vista machine?  I am using
the Silverlight Release build and omitting the SILVERLIGHT_3 flag.
Microsoft.Scripting.Core has numerous System library conflict errors related
to the stubs.cs.  The rest of the errors are related to the inability to
find the IPy libraries in the referenced directory.  Those may clear up if I
can get past the errors related to stubs.cs.

If needed, I can provide specific build error messages...they are
unavailable to me at the moment.
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