[IronPython] InteractiveCode and function definitions

Curt Hagenlocher curt at hagenlocher.org
Thu Apr 16 19:24:06 CEST 2009

"IncompleteStatement" means that the user is allowed to type more code.  If
you want to know whether or not it's a valid (complete) string, just check
for it not being Invalid.  A function definition is never "complete" in
Python because there's never a terminating curly brace :).

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Michael Foord
<fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>wrote:

> Hello guys,
> We're trying to detect whether a section of code is complete (to mimic the
> behaviour of the interactive interpreter).
> First of all we tried using the Python standard library code module which
> provides interactive console classes. There are two outstanding bugs on
> codeplex (one reported by me today) which prevent this being an ideal
> solution:
> http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=22064
> http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=21881
> The second approach was to create a ScriptSource and looking at the code
> properties to tell if the statement is complete or not (using IronPython
> 2.0.1). However we can never get it to return a ScriptParseResult.Complete
> for function definitions. Code below shows using \n for newlines but we have
> also tried with \r\n.
> >>> import clr
> >>> clr.AddReference('IronPython')
> >>> clr.AddReference('Microsoft.Scripting')
> >>> from IronPython.Hosting import Python
> >>> from Microsoft.Scripting import SourceCodeKind, ScriptCodeParseResult
> >>>
> >>> engine = Python.CreateEngine()
> >>> s = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString('def f():\n  print 1\n', 'foo',
> SourceCodeKind.InteractiveCode)
> >>> s.GetCodeProperties()
> <Microsoft.Scripting.ScriptCodeParseResult object at 0x000000000000003F
> [IncompleteStatement]>
> >>> s = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString('def f():\n  print 1\n\n',
> 'foo', SourceCodeKind.InteractiveCode)
> >>> s.GetCodeProperties()
> <Microsoft.Scripting.ScriptCodeParseResult object at 0x0000000000000040
> [IncompleteStatement]>
> >>>
> The DLR hosting spec has little helpful to say on the matter as far as I
> can tell.
> Looking at an example from Tomas it doesn't seem very different from what
> we're doing:
> http://blog.tomasm.net/2009/04/15/python-says-hello-to-ruby/
> Any clues as to what we are doing wrong or how to procede?
> Thanks
> Michael
> --
> http://www.ironpythoninaction.com/
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/blog
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