[IronPython] IronPython and Silverlight SDK

Miha Valencic miha.valencic at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 22:22:55 CEST 2008


I downladed the lastest SL SDK from codeplex and wanted to use ScriptRuntime
and ruby & python engines with it.

I found out, that the API is quite different between IP 2.0b4 and the
version included in the SL-SDK.

Is the SL-SDK version intended for "hosting" scenarios at all? Or is it
Silverlight only? I noticed that the Microsoft.Scripting.dll is a version
2.0, whereas the one with IronPython b4 (and b5) is 1.0

While on the subject, how can I use the DLR in the "hosting scenario" and
use either IronPython or IronRuby as a languages on top of it in the same


ps: The hosting-spec documents is ok to see the "overview" of what it is it
supposed to do, but I am missing specifically some "guidance" on how to
initialize the ScriptRuntime *from configuration*. What is expected there?
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