[IronPython] Error building ASP.NET 3.5 websites

Fernando Correia fernandoacorreia at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 19:30:24 CEST 2008

No, I'm not. The process I followed is described in the issue:


Does the described process work for you?

Microsoft.Scripting.ExtensionAttribute.dll is copied to the website's
Bin directory without any reference to it (some of the other 4 DLLs is
probably referencing it). In as ASP.NET website, if an assembly is in
the Bin directory it behaves as a reference.

2008/10/23 Curt Hagenlocher <curt at hagenlocher.org>
> Are you explicitly referencing Microsoft.Scripting.ExtensionAttribute.dll?  If so, remove that reference from your project.

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