[IronPython] Questions about compiled .py files - their stub exe and dlls

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Dec 13 15:43:25 CET 2008

Guy Rozendorn wrote:
> I'm using the IronPython 2.0, final version, and the corresponding pyc.py
Well, in which case you need to include *all* the IronPython assemblies 
and not just IronPython.dll and IronPythonModules.dll.

All the best,

Michael Foord

>         and they both reside in C:\Temp\myProg.exe, along with
>         IronPython.dll and IronPythonModules.dll
>     It looks like you are using the Pyc.py sample with IronPython 1.
>     Can you update to IronPython 2 and try again.
>     Thanks
>     Michael Foord
>         If I try to execute myProg.exe from any other directory (i.e -
>         I'm in C:\Windows, and running C:\Temp\myProg.exe), I get the
>         following error:
>         Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The
>         system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT
>         : 0x80070002)
>           at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoadFile(String path,
>         Evidence evidence)
>           at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(String path)
>           at PythonMain.Main()
>         What do I need to do to make myProg.exe run from anywhere?
>         Specfically, this bothers me because in deploying Windows
>         Services wriiten in IronPython.
>         Let's say I just compiled myService.exe, along with
>         myService.dll, and they're both in C:\Temp (along with
>         IronPython DLLs).
>         After I register the service, it fails to start, since the
>         current directory of the services.exe (who executes
>         myService.exe) is %SystemRoot%\system32
>         If I put myService.dll in the system32 directory, the service
>         works.
>         But I don't want to put myService.dll in system32 (and many
>         more dlls that I use).
>         So, my question is:
>         * Can I make the magic that will cause
>         myService.exe/myProg.exe to look for its DLL inside the
>         directory in which he resides in (and not the current directory)?
>         * It is possible to include myService.dll and IronPython.dll
>         and IronPythonModules.dll inside myService.exe (so I could do
>         import sys and then append to path which ever directries I
>         wish for)?
>         Thanks,
>         Guy
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