[IronPython] Welcome David DiCato

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Dec 6 02:06:32 CET 2008

Welcome David - and congratulations. Of course you realise that having a 
blog is a compulsory part of being on the dynamic languages team...

Michael Foord

Shri Borde wrote:
> Please welcome David DiCato to the IronPython team. He has his first 
> shelveset in the Snap queue (queue.__init__ calls clear) already. You 
> should hopefully hear more from him in the mailing list. Here is his 
> intro in his own words.
> Hi everyone, I’m David DiCato, the new Dev on the IronPython team. I 
> grew up in Surf City (i.e. Huntington Beach, CA) and moved just 50 
> miles north to go to school in Pasadena. At Caltech, I earned my BS in 
> Computer Science, applied to Microsoft after a short break, and the 
> rest is history. Although I have never touched a surf board, I like to 
> dabble in snowboarding, as well as piano, guitar and biking, although 
> I’m good at none of these things. I’m also a big fan of music, incl. 
> classic rock, punk and electronic, and film, incl. Kubrick, Hitchcock 
> and Scorsese.
> Thanks,
> Shri
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