[IronPython] Standard Library Inclusion - C Extension Modules

Curt Hagenlocher curt at hagenlocher.org
Thu Aug 7 16:26:40 CEST 2008

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 6:06 AM, Sanghyeon Seo <sanxiyn at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/8/7 Michael Foord <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>:
> > For example, could sqlite be ported with a compatibility shim and
> > System.Data.SQLite?
> > http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/
> I must mention pyexpat here, which a lot of Python XML tools rely on,
> and which has been available as a compatibility shim around System.Xml
> since 2005 from FePy.

Feel free to report any missing binary extensions on CodePlex as a
feature request.

Seo's example is a simpler one.  Harry is working on is getting legal
approval for accepting community contributions into the modules.  Once
that's done (no ETA, I'm afraid), Seo would sign a contributor
agreement and we could include his pyexpat compatibility shim.

The sqlite example is more complicated for two reasons:
1) There wouldn't be any point in doing it unless we could distribute
the referenced third-party project as well.  This probably gives Harry
the opportunity for a whole new round of quality time with lawyers.
2) The DLL in question is mixed-mode, so we need a story for how to
properly load the functionality when running as a 64-bit process.

Curt Hagenlocher
curt at hagenlocher.org

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