[IronPython] [python] Using IP with Idle

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Oct 17 21:42:44 CEST 2007

Allison Day wrote:
> I have been using python in a unix environment for years and am a 
> complete noob to iron python, windows, and .net as of yesterday  
> (GAAAACK! says the Linux Guy :-) so please be patient.
> I was looking to use Idle with Ironpython but am not sure how to do 
> this or if it can be done.  I saw a reference or two to Idle in the 
> archives, but nothing concrete.  I've set the windows path to:
> C:\Program Files\activeTcl\bin;C:\Program Files\MTS 
> 793\ntbin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\MTS 
> Shared;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;c:\IronPython-1.1;
> I was reading a few IP articles and they mentioned setting the path, 
> so I tried that and then importing System, but System isn't found.  I 
> don't yet understand the relationship between CPython and IP, so maybe 
> idle can't be used.  I want idle for the editing capabilities and so 
> on that I'm used to using in the unix environment.
> So can Idle be used and if not, what else has the formatting that idle 
> does?  One guy here using a regular text editor and runs a batch file, 
> but I'm hoping for a little more interactive environment.  For 
> licensing reasons, visual studio is a not an option for me at the 
> moment but might be in the future.

Well, you can edit IronPython code with IDLE - but I don't think you'll 
be able to run it.

Keeping a command line window opening whilst editing with IDLE is pretty 
easy. Alternatively use a slightly more 'featured' editor that allows 
you to run files with an external command (most text editors will do 
this - plus it can be done with Python IDEs like SPE, Wing and probably 


> Again, I'm a complete Noob so forgive me if this question is too 
> easy.  Thanks.
> A.D.
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