[IronPython] Error while porting Linux code to IronPython

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon May 28 14:46:20 CEST 2007

Anthony Raj wrote:
> Hi Micheal,
> Thanks for your reply.
> Have changed the declaration from leafNodes = dict to leafNodes = {} 
> and its working now .
> There are no variable names as dict in the code, which is what puzzles me.
You could try putting the old code back, and before the offending line 
put a 'print dict' in to try and diagnose what the object is. 'dict' is 
so fundamental to Python that I'm pretty sure it can't be broken like 
that - something else must be happening.


> You mentioned that the code works for you.
> True ~ I forgot to mention that it works for me in a hello.py class too.
> Also the code works as it is in various linux environments.
> Some how, I have a feeling that dictionary declarations in windows version
> of CPython and Iron Python has some conflicts with other declarations.
> Thanks,
> Anthony
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