[IronPython] Orcas integration?

Aaron Leiby fireonyoursleeve at hotmail.com
Tue May 15 01:15:50 CEST 2007

> Any luck?

I didn't get to spend too much time on this yesterday, but all the 
IronPython Visual Studio integration seems to have been ported over intact. 
It's still using IP1.1 though, and I didn't dig far enough to see what it 
would take to update it to use IP2.0.  Also, the Silverlight project wizards 
create a C# vproj which builds a dll and then launches your app in IE. 
There aren't yet any project wizards for setting up a similar vproj for 
IronPython.  Of course the whole point of the VS SDK is so we can add this 
stuff ourselves, but I'd rather focus on using the tools at this point 
instead of extending them.

You can setup a C# Silverlight project and simply remove all the .cs files, 
add your own .py files and switch the XAML over to using that instead: 
<x:Code Source="Page.py" Type="text/python" />

Two things keeping this from being useful for me at this time:

1) IE pops up the ActiveX "are you sure" warning every time you launch for 
debugging (this doesn't happen when just using the default C# codebehind).

2) The debugger doesn't catch exceptions thrown by IronPython (like it does 
when launching an IronPython project) - instead the script just halts 
(though other bits of the Silverlight app continue running as though nothing 

The first one is just annoying, but the second one killed me when I wasted 
an hour due to a missing 'global' declaration.

x = 10
def foo():
  global x # <-- I was missing this
  x = -x

Definitely a step in the right direction, but still a little early to be 
working with it at this point it seems.

If anyone knows workarounds to the above mentioned issues, please share.


----- Original Message -----
From: "M. David Peterson" <xmlhacker at gmail.com>
To: "Discussion of IronPython" <users at lists.ironpython.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Orcas integration?

> On 5/13/07, Aaron Leiby <fireonyoursleeve at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> After sending out that email, I discovered the VSX team has their Orcas 
>> SDK
>> April 2007 CTP up at http://www.vsipmembers.com.  I'm downloading that 
>> now.
> Nice find!  Downloading it myself now...
>> Hopefully it has all the same IP VS integration goodness that was in the
>> v4.0 release for 2005, updated for Orcas.
> Any luck?
> -- 
> /M:D
> M. David Peterson
> http://mdavid.name | http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2354 |
> http://dev.aol.com/blog/3155
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