[IronPython] [Kamaelia-list] Kamaelia and IronPython (was: Hosting IronPython 2.X in .NET app)

M. David Peterson xmlhacker at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 15:09:08 CEST 2007

On 7/18/07, M. David Peterson <xmlhacker at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/17/07, M. David Peterson <xmlhacker at gmail.com<https://mail.google.com/mail?view=cm&tf=0&to=xmlhacker@gmail.com>>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > It now has 2 :D
> >
> make that *10*, second only to importing pre-compiled modules on the
> "request" list.
> http://www.codeplex.com/IronPython/WorkItem/AdvancedList.aspx

Did I say 10? I meant
5 more votes and "Implement import of pre-compiled
gets its a$$ kicked to the curb!  (wait, thats a good thing, right? ;-)

Well, regardless: Come on folks!  5 more votes and the only thing standing
between us and support for nested yield statements is, umm, the time between
now + the time that some PM at MSFT asks for a status report on the most
active bugs + the 30 seconds before the report is delivered to quickly fix
the top three bugs + the next release that follows the report being
delivered to the now satisfied MSFT PM that is now convinced "this community
thing is *REALLY* working!"

That shouldn't be very long, should it? ;-)

(Dear IronPython team: I kid, I kid.  I worked on campus for enough years to
understand how hard you guys work and how much is expected of you.  Keep up
the great work!  And smile.  A lot! :D)


M. David Peterson
http://mdavid.name | http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2354 |
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