[IronPython] Mailing list vs. Web discussions on CodePlex

Sylvain Hellegouarch sh at defuze.org
Tue Dec 11 10:38:51 CET 2007

Personally I don't think the IP-list has enough volume to justify a 
split and that would be detrimental.

If people don't want to subscribe to a list for fear of spam it's fair 
enough but the list has been working just fine until now and I 
personally would not pay attention to a forum per se myself.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.
- Sylvain

Dino Viehland wrote:
> Just thought I'd collect some opinions here.  Internally we discussed 
> this sometime ago but never made any decisions and haven't done much 
> to push this forward...  On CodePlex we have the ability to enable a 
> discussion forum (which would look like 
> http://www.codeplex.com/CodePlex/Thread/List.aspx) where people could 
> post questions, discuss issues, etc...  CodePlex is heavily 
> RSS-enabled so you could also get RSS feeds to track the discussions 
> in RSS form.  There've been some requests on the main page 
> (http://www.codeplex.com/IronPython) and at least one person who 
> didn't like the mailing list.
> But obviously we don't want to get rid of the mailing list format - 
> personally it's the format I prefer (and find the least overhead for 
> replying).  But I've started to use RSS a lot recently so I can 
> certainly see the appeal there, and maybe others here do as well...  
> Overall my own personal worry is that we'll be fragmenting the two 
> discussions and actually hinder some discussion. 
> So, thoughts?  Should we:
>     Very easy:
>         just open the flood gates on the discussions and everyone can 
> go where they want - let the search engines sort it out!
>     vs Requires some work:
>         open up the RSS feed but setup some thread-propagation-bot?
>         open up the RSS feed but send out regular digests?
>     vs the unknown:
>         something completely different?
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