[IronPython] IronPyton newbie questions

Jan Szumiec jan.szumiec at resolversystems.com
Tue Sep 12 17:38:49 CEST 2006

David Anton wrote:
> I'm new to IronPyton (and Python in general).
> Where can I find a good reference or spec for IronPython?
> I'd like to find information on whether the following is available in
> IronPython (google has been of limited help so far in the following
> searches):
> - conditional compilation
> - attributes (e.g., System.SerializableAttribute)
Attributes are not supported at the moment.
> - properties
class Label:
    Length = property(lambda self : len(self.__text))
    Text = property(__getText, __setText)

    def __getText(self):
       return self.__text

    def __setText(self, value):
       self.__text = value

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