[IronPython] ScrollBarsEnabled problem

Floris van Nee floris.vannee at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 19:05:45 CEST 2006


I've used IronPython for a few days now, and I'm making a program with it
which has a WebBrowser control. I want the ScrollBarsEnabled property set to
False. Now, my code to do that is:

WebBrowser1 = WebBrowser(ScrollBarsEnabled=False)

This works perfectly for most sites. However whenever I go to some sites,
for example, www.runescape.com , the scroll bars are enabled again. It seems
that site runs some kind of override on my ScrollBarsEnabled property. But
when I add an DocumentComplete event to the browser and let it show me a
messagebox which contains the value of ScrollBarsEnabled it still returns
'False'  to me. So it seems IronPython thinks the scroll bars are disabled,
but in fact they aren't.

Does anyone know if the scroll bars can be disabled in any other way which
works in this case?

Thanks in advance,

Floris van Nee
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