[IronPython] Is any one use IronPython in your project?

Giles Thomas giles.thomas at resolversystems.com
Thu Nov 23 11:52:47 CET 2006

Kevien Lee wrote:
> Hi,
> Now ,Ironpython had release some time,but i want to konw is any one use
> IronPython in your project?
Absolutely. At Resolver Systems, we're building a new desktop
application for .NET. When we started, back in November 2005, we knew
that we wanted our users to be able to write Python scripts to run
within the app, so we decided to use IronPython as an embedded scripting

We were about to start cutting code for the main body of our application
in C#, but we decided to try an experiment. We had found IronPython a
very productive language to work in while we were evaluating it, so we
decided to start writing our core application itself in it. Our plan was
to see how far we got, and then to switch to C# when we hit whatever
limits IP had. We've now been using it for a year, and - with a couple
of tiny exceptions, mostly involving calls down into unmanaged code - we
haven't hit those limits yet. I would say about 95% of our codebase in
terms of lines of code - and 99% in terms of functionality - is IronPython.

> As a dynamic language ,what it will bring us some advantage for
> project,which the  advantage C#,VB.net couldn't have?
As a long-time Java coder who's been working in IP for a year now, I
would say that Python is just easier to program in; you have to spend
less time trying to work out how to express the algorithms and
structures you want to write, at least in part because there is less
code to write when you don't have to put in typing information
everywhere. On the other hand, we are an Extreme Programming shop, so we
write tests for all of our code; I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be
with the lack of type-safety without that.



Giles Thomas
Resolver Systems
giles.thomas at resolversystems.com

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