[IronPython] Takes at least 8 arguments (8 given)

Sanghyeon Seo sanxiyn at gmail.com
Mon May 29 13:42:26 CEST 2006

I hate to reveal this, since I intended this one to be a surprise. :(

Anyway, attached script reports an error as in the title, and I can't
figure out why. Any idea? (You can guess what I am working on...)

Seo Sanghyeon
-------------- next part --------------
from System import AppDomain
from System.Reflection import AssemblyName
from System.Reflection.Emit import AssemblyBuilderAccess

pinvoke_module = None

def _define_pinvoke_module():
    global pinvoke_module
    if pinvoke_module is not None:
    domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
    name = AssemblyName('pinvoke')
    flag = AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run
    assembly = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, flag)
    pinvoke_module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule('pinvoke')


from System.Reflection import MethodAttributes

pinvoke_attributes = (
    MethodAttributes.Public |
    MethodAttributes.Static |

from System import Int32, Double, String

import clr
c = clr.GetClrType

c_int = c(int)
c_float = c(float)
c_char_p = c(str)

from System.Reflection import CallingConventions
from System.Runtime.InteropServices import CharSet

    'strlen', 'msvcrt',
    pinvoke_attributes, CallingConventions.Standard,
    c_int, [c_char_p],
    CallingConventions.Standard, CharSet.Ansi)

strlen = pinvoke_module.GetMethod('strlen')
print strlen.Invoke(None, ['test'])

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