[IronPython] TypeError: unbound method open must be called with ....

JoeSox joesox at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 18:39:01 CET 2006

On 3/20/06, Dino Viehland <dinov at exchange.microsoft.com> wrote:
> Yes, calling System.Diagnostics.Process.Start is the solution - the one catch here is we need to set UseShellExecute = true (I'm not sure if that's the default or not, I belive the setting is in ProcessStartInfo as well).
> Given the simplicity of the fix it should be there in beta 5...

Sounds great.  I'd rebuild my IronPython.dll and try it out but I fear
it would take me too much time to figure out where to place the fix. 
Just makes sense to wait for beta 5.


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