[IronPython] OnVarChanged

John Mancine john at emergentlifetech.com
Tue Jun 20 19:26:43 CEST 2006

Hi Brandon -- Yeah, this was my fallback. I guess I had eyed the ability to
hook in event callbacks because I have other things I'd like to know about
such as when a class is declared etc. 

Basically, if you have an app where the user is free to code Python script
(Execute(code)) -- and I don't want to parse that myself to see what the
user is doing, I'd like to get notified somehow when they change a var, or
declare a class etc. etc... If I can look at what classes exist pre-execute
and what classes exist-post execute, then this would be a possibility, but I
haven't really found where that info is as well.

I just wasn't sure where I look to see when these things happen. The
terminology with Python seems to be quite different then anything I'm used
to (I'm a newbie to python) so my search is a bit harder for finding a place
to add hooks.

And of course, my lack of Python knowledge could just make this a poorly
formed solution to begin with. ;-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-
> bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Brandon Furtwangler
> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:54 AM
> To: 'Discussion of IronPython'
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] OnVarChanged
> How fine grain do you need change notifications?  you could just store the
> pre-execute value of a, and after each python Execute you could check that
> the pre-a is the same as a.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com
> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of John Mancine
> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 12:25 PM
> To: users at lists.ironpython.com
> Subject: [IronPython] OnVarChanged
> I realize this is likely woefully naïve but I thought I'd ask anyhow.
> I have a very specific case in my project where I would really like to
> know
> when a variable inside IronPython changes. Basically when I do this:
> pythonEngine.Execute("a = 3"); // Or something more complex that ends up
> changing global var 'a'
> I am looking for a way to be notified when 'a' has been assigned to a new
> value. This seems to be pretty simple for the Set/GetGlobal() calls but
> what
> about code that is inside of the Execute() block? Where could I look at
> adding some code myself such that I can add these hooks? I have dug
> through
> some of the code to find a place to add a hook but I couldn't seem to find
> anything clear cut.
> Again, I realize this is pretty simplistic and also painfully slow for any
> moderate scripting but I have a very specific case where I would like some
> widgets in C# to respond to when a variable has changed. (The watchwindow
> in
> visual studio would be a good parallel of what I'm needing to do -- ie.
> show
> a new value has been set for a particular value you are watching).
> Thanks!
> John
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