[IronPython] Fwd: Where to share a script / executables (again)

Dino Viehland dinov at exchange.microsoft.com
Wed Jan 25 20:35:07 CET 2006

I don't have an immediate answer for you on sharing scripts but our next beta release (due real, real soon now) will support running the generated EXEs.  If your test imports any modules written in Python you'll still need to have those around and on your sys.path, but otherwise this will work.

Also, IronPython does also include a compiler that can generate a set of scripts into a single stand alone EXE, but at this time we haven't exposed this functionality via the command line yet (and therefore you'd need to write your own front end for it).  You can of course access this functionality from Python code with:

from IronPython.Hosting import PythonCompiler

which is how we currently test it.

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Catherine Devlin
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:14 AM
To: users at lists.ironpython.com
Subject: [IronPython] Fwd: Where to share a script / executables (again)

Hi!  I've just created my first IronPython script - a little utility
for conveniently cleaning the garbage out of your PATH and related
environment variables.

I posted it in my blog at

Anyway, I'd like to share it somewhere publicly, but I really don't
know where a little item like this should go.  It's too long to be
trivial, but at 119 lines, but too small (119 lines) to be considered
a "project" for SourceForge or whatnot.  And do we have a special
place for sharing IronPython scripts?  I don't see any IronPython
projects at SourceForge... is there a story behind that?

Can anyone suggest a good place to share scripts like this?

Also, for the sake of the unwashed masses without IronPython, I'd like
to generate an executable .exe.  I can't find instructions on how to
do that, though.  Running my script with ironpythonconsole
automatically generates an .exe, but running that just gives "... is
not a valid Win32 application."  (Greg Chapman asked about this on
Jan. 5, too, but I didn't see him getting an answer.)  Is there any
more information on generating free-standing executables?

Thanks very much!
- Catherine
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