[IronPython] Dynamic overloading of Reflected Methods

Thomas junk at krow.de
Mon Jan 16 18:17:32 CET 2006


	I'm trying to dynamically overload an objects methods
	with IP. Something like:

	class A:
             def test(self):
                 print "A"
         a = A()
         def newtest(self):
             print "newtest"
         testType = type(a.test)
         a.test = testType(newtest, a)

	prints "newtest" as expected. However I cannot overload
	a ReflectedMethod made in C# this way (or don't know how).

	A workaround for this, is to implement the methods in a
	derived class and override them them there. However these
	overloaded methods cannot be called. I have attached a
	C# and a Python file to reproduce this.

	Any Ideas? Is this supposed to work?

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