[IronPython] the application failed to initialize properly

Anthony Tarlano mailinglist.account at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 21:23:08 CET 2006

The 0.6 version is very old, you should use the latest version 1.0
beta 3. Here is the download link

On 2/26/06, inhahe <inhahe at gmail.com> wrote:
> I unzipped ironpython 0.6, put the bin directory in my path, and ran
> IronPythonConsole.exe, and got this:
> The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135).  Click on OK to
> terminate the application.
> While I'm here, I'll ask the question which was the reason I was trying to
> run IronPython anyway-- does it support List Comprehension?
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