[IronPython] Writing a service or an Outlook add-in with IP

Rudy Schockaert rudy.schockaert at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 23:22:39 CET 2005

Thanks Keith,

I found example code (http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/2/window_service.asp) for
the service. I'll give it a try in IP as well.

On 11/9/05, Keith J. Farmer <kfarmer at thuban.org> wrote:
> It's pretty easy to write an NT service using .NET -- there are classes in
> the framework for this exact thing as well as examples on the web. I'm not
> certain, though, if the services are accessed as libraries or as
> executables, which could potentially complicate matters given the limited
> support IP currently has for creating libraries.
> For Outlook, you'd need VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office), I think?
> Someone else can probably answer this more authoritatively than I can.
> ________________________________
> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com on behalf of Rudy Schockaert
> Sent: Wed 11/9/2005 2:00 PM
> To: Discussion of IronPython
> Subject: [IronPython] Writing a service or an Outlook add-in with IP
> using CPython and Mark Hammond's PyWin32 package it is rather easy to
> write a real windows service in Python. By real, I mean an application that
> can react on the service start/stop/restart... commands.
> It is also pretty easy to write an Outlook Add-In (see the SpamBayes
> project).
> Are these two things already possible in IP (without PyWin32 obviously)
> and if so, what would be the way to go?
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