[IronPython] Saving sys.path

Keith J. Farmer kfarmer at thuban.org
Wed Apr 27 22:44:34 CEST 2005

I'd set a user-level environment variable as well, checking that out, but it seemed a kludge at best.  In a multi-user environment it'd be a hassle.  For deployment to multiple machines, it'd be annoying at best.
With respect, I'll maintain my stance of using .config files as the mechanism supported by .NET.  I'd prefer unifying under that, rather than trying to grandfather in a variety of -isms from CPython.  I should point out that nothing prevents IronPython from having the capability to support both -- one as standard, the other as override, if grandfather it must.
In fact, I think it'd make much more sense to support .config.  Consider the possibility of embedding IronPython in a C# app, or an ASP.NET app, or of producing IronPython modules for use in the rest of .NET -- in any of these cases, the consuming developers are going to expect .config files rather than environment variables, and rightly so.  We shouldn't have to special case the configuration mechanism, just to make it work with peers under the same runtime.  Apps using the CLR use .config files, and I think IronPython should take that into consideration.
(Python was my favorite language until C# came along.  Maybe with IronPython-omega with generics...)


From: users-ironpython.com-bounces at lists.ironpython.com on behalf of Brian Dorsey
Sent: Wed 4/27/2005 1:23 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Saving sys.path

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