[IronPython] IronPython 0.7.1 released

Martin Maly martmaly at exchange.microsoft.com
Sat Apr 2 10:10:04 CEST 2005

We are excited to announce the release of IronPython 0.7.1.  The
improvements over the recent 0.7 release are mostly bug fixes for bugs
reported by the community and suggestions from the mailing lists and
message boards:

* Slicing operator parsing and runtime implementation
* Descending sequences in xrange and range
* implementation of "del", "assert" and "iter(a,b)"
* issubclass throws correct exception on invalid arguments
* multiplication of string and int (5 * 's')
* division of complex numbers
* comparison of large numbers
* iteritems on dict
* correct exception thrown when accessing dictionary with the missing
* inheritance from classes with no public constructor
  (reported as "Cannot inherit from MarshalByRefObject")
* Delegate objects can be explicitly created
* Trivial Makefile included
* The distribution unzips into the directory named "IronPython-0.7.1"

Our thanks go to the following members of the community who reported the

MadMccoy, remani, perhaps, jeffhi, vargaz, spencermah, tarlano, Sriram
Krishnan, lupus

You might notice that the interactive interpreter is still called
IronPythonConsole.exe.  There's been a lot of interesting discussion on
this list about names and we decided to take a little more time with
that discussion before rushing in a new name here.  By keeping the old
name those of you with existing scripts can keep using them unchanged
and the name is still bad enough to make it clear we're still looking
for a final one.

Thanks and keep in touch,
The IronPython Team


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