[IPython-dev] Should we do an IPython 4.1 soon ?

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 06:58:32 EST 2015

Hi all, 

With the separation of the multiple project, as of The Big Split, 
the pace on IPython terminal itself has been much slower than usual, with 
relatively low number of new features, but still a few bug fixes and improvement
here and there that users are waiting for. 

For example no PR merged in 13 days as of this writing, and nothing especially important for 4.1.

I propose that we release a 4.1 mostly bug fix soon (monthish ? Earlier ?), and try to keep now a relatively
slow moving, regular minor release for the 4.x branch, like one minor release every 8 weeks. 
I’ve already put a 4.1 release for mid January in GitHub, and 4.2 2 month after that. 

I think a regular release schedule would be welcomed for us (we tend to live of master and forget that end user
experience bugs) and for end user to know what to expect. 

That would likely mean that any API breakage PR would be targeted as 5.0 branch. 

Thoughts  ?

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