[IPython-dev] Embedded shell setup

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 06:28:40 EST 2015

Hi Frederic.

I haven’t used IPython 0.7.2 but I can try to give you some feedback. 

> On Dec 1, 2015, at 08:29, Frédéric Mantegazza <mantegazza at ill.fr> wrote:
> Hi!
> In 2003, we started to develop an application to drive a big instrument
> (a neutron spectrometer), in a french research institute. Since 2004, this
> application runs 24h a day, almost all days.
> It is entirely written in python, and is heavily based on Pyro for
> clients/servers communication, and, of course IPython, for user
> interaction.
> With these 2 great pieces of code, we have build a very strong tool.
> Fernando helped us a lot to customize IPython, and integrate it in our
> code. Thanks again for all your help, Fernando!
> Even if our app. evolved during all these years, it is still based on
> softwares versions of the early 2k (debian lenny, IPython 0.7.2, Pyro
> 3.7) :o/
> It is time to do a major upgrade! That's why we need some help...
> Here is what we are doing when we instanciate what we call the
> 'console' (client part of our app.); we already adapted it to IPython 2.3,
> but there are still things which does not work (loading 'pymad' profile),
> and surely thing which could be better (hooks, custom completer...).
> We would really appreciate feedback!
> Thanks,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> config = IPython.config.loader.Config()
> promptManager = config.PromptManager

I’m not sure this assignment will work, because of what the config object works.
In doubt I would explicitly use config.PromptManager.in/out_template if you have issues. 
I would have to try and check that. 

> promptManager.in_template = "{color.LightRed}PyMAD>>> "
> promptManager.out_template = ‘ '

> # profile is not loaded does not work!
> config.profile = “pymad"

I’m not sure  what yo are trying to do. 
I guess you might want to load a subconfia from another profile ?

https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/2/development/config.html?highlight=load_subconfig#configuration-files-inheritance <https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/2/development/config.html?highlight=load_subconfig#configuration-files-inheritance>

InteractiveShellEmbed is not a subclass of BaseIPythonApplication, so it does not seem have a `profile` configuration. 
The way it works in IPython is TerminalIPythonApp in init_shell call the following:

  def init_shell(self):
        self.shell = TerminalInteractiveShell.instance(parent=self,
                        ..., profile_dir=self.profile_dir,
                        ipython_dir=self.ipython_dir, ...)

> startMsg = "\nWelcome to PyMAD"
> startMsg += "\n\nAvailable objects: %s " % sortedProxies
> startMsg += "\n\nAvailable helpers: %s\n" % helpers.keys()
> exitMsg = "\nBye!\n"
> # Instanciate embedded ipython instance
> ipshell = InteractiveShellEmbed(config,
>                                banner1=startMsg,
>                                exit_msg=exitMsg)
> ipshell.set_custom_exc((Exception, ), pymadHandler)
> ipshell.set_custom_completer(proxy_matches)
> ipshell.set_custom_completer(python_function_parameters)

I’m not familiar enough with completion, I know that holoview register its own completer:

https://github.com/ioam/holoviews/blob/master/holoviews/ipython/magics.py#L697-L717 <https://github.com/ioam/holoviews/blob/master/holoviews/ipython/magics.py#L697-L717>

it might be of help. 

> # Is there a better way to customize Completer?
> ipshell.Completer._default_arguments = \
>    new.instancemethod(_default_arguments,
>                       ipshell.Completer,
>                       ipshell.Completer.__class__)
> ipshell.Completer.merge_completions = False

I’ll leave this one up to someone else also, 
likely Thomas maybe ?

> # Is there a better way to customize prefilter?
> ipshell.prefilter = new.instancemethod(_prefilter_del,
>                                       ipshell,
>                                       ipshell.__class__)
> ipshell.set_hook("pre_run_code_hook", _pre_run_code_hook)
> ipshell.set_hook("pre_prompt_hook", _pre_prompt_hook)
> #ipshell.set_hook("shutdown_hook", _shutdown_hook) # use atexit module

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