[IPython-dev] Possible issues with submodule updates

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 14:44:09 EDT 2014

We have a lot of issues with browsers caching Javascript files. Min's
working on a better solution to this, but in the meantime, try clearing the
cache as much as possible. Sometimes starting the browser in private mode
seems to get round caching issues.


On 16 September 2014 11:35, Adam Hughes <hughesadam87 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, my student is still having her mac freeze out.  We reinstalled on
> her computer, restarted, checked that the git submodule status was the
> same, and she's still getting frozen cells each time.
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Adam Hughes <hughesadam87 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Just a quick update.
>> I was able to get 3.0.0 working.  Interestingly, when I update from
>> 2-->3, my chrome browser gets hung up.  That's what happened originally, so
>> it is the installation that does something to the browser.  Restarting the
>> computer gets rid of it.  Not sure if this is just a chrome issue.
>> Thanks
>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Adam Hughes <hughesadam87 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Min,
>>> This was some weird browser error.  I hadn't thought to reboot my
>>> system, but indeed it was something with my system.  Sorry for being too
>>> dense to think to try this first!
>>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Adam Hughes <hughesadam87 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> # On branch 2.x
>>>> # Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/2.x'.
>>>> #
>>>> # Untracked files:
>>>> #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>>>> #
>>>> # Untitled0.ipynb
>>>> # Untitled1.ipynb
>>>> # Untitled2.ipynb
>>>> # Untitled3.ipynb
>>>> #
>>>> nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to
>>>> track)
>>>> glue at glue-desktop:~/ipython$ git submodule status
>>>>  47ed6b9e18670a0d653d99e97e6165c14dd14047
>>>> IPython/html/static/components (2.1.0)
>>>> glue at glue-desktop:~/ipython$
>>>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 1:55 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> What do you get from git status and git submodule status?
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Adam Hughes <hughesadam87 at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I just updated to the new dev version, and ran python setup.py
>>>>>> submodule as usual, then setup.py install.  When I open a notebook, either
>>>>>> new or pre-made, I get a blank window.  I get this error:
>>>>>> WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /static/jqueryui.js ( 0.72ms
>>>>>> referer=http://localhost:8890/notebooks/Untitled0.ipynb
>>>>>> I've updated tornado, and nothing happens.  I've reverted back to
>>>>>> ipython 2.3 and I still get this.  I'm on ubuntu.
>>>>>> My friend is using mac osx 10.7.  Her notebook actually loadas, but
>>>>>> runs her first cell, regardless of what's in it, the kernel freezes.  IE
>>>>>> the cell's indicator changes to a " * " and stays like that.
>>>>>> Is anyone else experiences such issues?
>>>>>> Here is my pip freeze output (note pip freeze still says on on
>>>>>> ipython 3.0, but if I run ipython in the terminal, it starts as 2.3:
>>>>>> Canopy==1.4.0.dev6600
>>>>>> Cython==0.21
>>>>>> Examples==7.3
>>>>>> Flask==0.10.1
>>>>>> Jinja2==2.7.3
>>>>>> MKL==10.3
>>>>>> Markdown==2.4.1
>>>>>> MarkupSafe==0.23
>>>>>> PIL==1.1.7
>>>>>> PySide==1.2.1
>>>>>> PyYAML==3.11
>>>>>> Pygments==1.6.0
>>>>>> PythonDoc==2.7.3
>>>>>> Qt==4.8.5
>>>>>> Shapely==1.3.2
>>>>>> VTK==5.10.1
>>>>>> Werkzeug==0.9.6
>>>>>> appinst==2.1.2
>>>>>> apptools==4.2.1
>>>>>> atom==0.3.9
>>>>>> backports.ssl-match-hostname==
>>>>>> basemap==1.0.7
>>>>>> bokeh==0.5.2
>>>>>> casuarius==1.1
>>>>>> certifi==14.05.14
>>>>>> chaco==4.4.1
>>>>>> cloud==2.4.6
>>>>>> colorama==0.3.1
>>>>>> configobj==5.0.6
>>>>>> coverage==3.7.1
>>>>>> docutils==0.11
>>>>>> enable==4.4.1
>>>>>> enaml==0.9.5
>>>>>> encore==0.5.1
>>>>>> enstaller==4.6.5
>>>>>> envisage==4.4.0
>>>>>> esky==0.9.8dev
>>>>>> etsproxy==0.1.2
>>>>>> faulthandler==2.2
>>>>>> feedparser==5.1.3
>>>>>> freetype==2.5.3
>>>>>> geopandas==0.1.0.dev-35c2f5b
>>>>>> gevent==1.0.1
>>>>>> gevent-websocket==0.9.3
>>>>>> glib==2.36.1
>>>>>> gnureadline==6.2.5
>>>>>> greenlet==0.4.3
>>>>>> grits-client==0.1
>>>>>> gst-plugins-bad==0.10.23
>>>>>> gst-plugins-base==0.10.36
>>>>>> gst-plugins-good==0.10.30
>>>>>> gstreamer==0.10.36
>>>>>> idle==2.7.3
>>>>>> ipython==3.0.0-dev
>>>>>> itsdangerous==0.24
>>>>>> jdcal==1.0
>>>>>> jsonpickle==0.4.0
>>>>>> jsonpointer==1.4
>>>>>> jsonschema==2.3.0
>>>>>> kernmagic==0.2.0
>>>>>> keyring==3.6dev
>>>>>> kiwisolver==0.1.2
>>>>>> libffi==3.0.13
>>>>>> libgfortran==3.0.0
>>>>>> libjpeg==7.0
>>>>>> libjpeg62==6.2
>>>>>> libncurses==5.9
>>>>>> libogg==1.3.0
>>>>>> libpng==1.6.12
>>>>>> libtheora==1.1.1
>>>>>> libvpx==1.1.0
>>>>>> libxml2==2.7.8
>>>>>> matplotlib==1.4.0
>>>>>> mayavi==4.3.1
>>>>>> mock==1.0.1
>>>>>> nbopen==0.1
>>>>>> nmrglue==0.4
>>>>>> nose==1.3.3
>>>>>> numpy==1.8.2
>>>>>> openpyxl==2.0.3
>>>>>> pandas==0.14.0
>>>>>> patsy==0.2.1
>>>>>> plotly==1.1.4
>>>>>> ply==3.4
>>>>>> psutil==1.2.1
>>>>>> pyaudio==0.2.4
>>>>>> pyface==4.4.0
>>>>>> pyflakes==0.7.3
>>>>>> pyglet==1.1.4
>>>>>> pyparsing==2.0.2
>>>>>> -e git+
>>>>>> https://github.com/hugadams/pyparty.git@e719a2c21d0e9ee32d36347792572bd61571de21#egg=pyparty-master
>>>>>> pyproj==1.9.3
>>>>>> pysdmx==0.1
>>>>>> pystache==0.5.4
>>>>>> python-dateutil==2.2.0
>>>>>> pytz==2013b
>>>>>> -e git+
>>>>>> https://github.com/hugadams/pyuvvis.git@a40befc64b0ac8a18d344d0e40b32b2b68dc3128#egg=pyuvvis-master
>>>>>> pyzmq==14.3.1
>>>>>> readline==
>>>>>> redis==2.10.3
>>>>>> requests==2.2.1
>>>>>> restview==2.0.5
>>>>>> runipy==0.1.0
>>>>>> scikit-learn==0.14.1
>>>>>> scikits.image==0.9.3
>>>>>> scipy==0.14.0
>>>>>> shiboken==1.2.1
>>>>>> six==1.7.3
>>>>>> ssl-match-hostname==
>>>>>> statsmodels==0.5.0
>>>>>> supplement==0.5dev.dev202
>>>>>> svgwrite==1.1.2
>>>>>> sympy==0.7.5
>>>>>> tornado==4.0.2
>>>>>> traits==4.5.0
>>>>>> traitsui==4.4.0
>>>>>> websocket==0.2.1
>>>>>> wsgiref==0.1.2
>>>>>> wxPython==
>>>>>> xray==0.1.1
>>>>>> zeromq==4.0.4
>>>>>> zlib==1.2.6
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