[IPython-dev] generating input cells dynamically

Zoltán Vörös zvoros at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 13:00:22 EDT 2014

Hi all,

I have a project, where I would have to plot hundreds of data sets, and 
for various reasons, I would like to place each plot in separate cell in 
the notebook. Is there a way to do this automatically? I know what the 
input cells should contain, it is only that I don't want to execute each 
cell by hand, for each plot takes 1-2 minutes to calculate. The only 
thing I could come up with for now is that I generate a notebook with 
the required cells on the command line, load the notebook in the 
browser, and then hit "Run All", but it would be great, if it was 
possible in a somewhat more elegant way.

Any comments?

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