[IPython-dev] Announcement: Set of IPython Notebooks to learn Python for Exploratory Computing

Mark Bakker markbak at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 15:49:53 EDT 2014

Good point. For the class I obviously had installation instructions. They
are quite easy when you install a packaged bundle (Canopy Express,
PythonXY, Anaconda). We used Canopy Express in the class and that worked
well. All Notebooks were also accompanied by 10-15 minute videos outlining
the new features that were used in the Notebook. I will have to redo some
of those videos and will add links to them in the next few weeks.

For now I will add some information about installing and getting started.
That is indeed a very good idea and should get newbies up and running,


On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 7:00 PM, <ipython-dev-request at scipy.org> wrote:

> From: Gelonida <gelonida at gmail.com>
> Hi Mark,
> Small suggestion to add some clarifying information to your link.
> These links look interesting and I know a few persons who might enjoy
> learning a little about python this way.
> However as a notebook newbie (I only used ipython as interactive shell
> so far and did not read more about notebooks) I am a little confused.
> The web page seems to be aimed at newbies.
> It gives the impression, that I just have to go to
> http://mbakker7.github.io/exploratory_computing_with_python/
> and then to click on notebook 1 (
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/mbakker7/exploratory_computing_with_python/blob/master/notebook1/py_exploratory_comp_1_sol.ipynb
> )
> and that I could then change the contents of the input field, press
> shift-enter and then see the new result.
> But it seems, that this is just a static version of the ipython notebook.
> Only when
> - downloading the file
> - installing all package dependencies (IMHO very difficult for python
> newbies at least on windows) ,
> - starting a cmd window
> - and running C:\Python27\Scripts\ipython notebook <notenookfile>
> I was able to use the notebook as described.
> I assume, that with above procedure you'd loose about 99% of the newbies
> who could have been interested in trying out python/notebooks.
> Wouldn't it be possible to add a more explicit link which mentions at
> least, that the notebooks cannot be executed immediately or even better
> a link to a page trying to explain (even if not aimed for newbies)
> how to use/install ipython/notebooks?
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