[IPython-dev] Basemap Segfault in IPython; Works in Python

Patrick Marsh patrickmarshwx at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 14:27:37 EDT 2013

Sorry if this is a double post; used the wrong email in the first reply and
got at least one failure notice...

This is terminal IPython and IPython Notebook. (I noticed it first in the
IPython Notebook). The backends are the same in both Python and IPython
(and IPython Notebook). I have not changed any of the default IPython

I'm wondering if this is a path issue of some sorts…namely IPython is
picking up an old version of geos that I cannot seem to find. At least this
is the angle I'm currently trying to work on. I should add that I've remove
all my manually installed modules and "started over". I built Numpy,
Matplotlib, Basemap, and then IPython (in that order), and still have the
same segfault issue.


On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 1:15 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:

> This is terminal IPython?
> Is there a chance that the matplotlib backend is different in each case?
> Have you enabled matplotlib eventloop integration in IPython (otherwise, it
> will block when you draw a plot).
> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Patrick Marsh <patrickmarshwx at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi, All,
>> I'm not sure what is going on, but the following fails in IPython
>> (terminal and notebook) but works just fine in regular Python.
>> I'm using OS X 10.8.4; git master for git master for Matplotlib
>> (a091f6d), IPython (9f92804), and Basemap (1d7664c); and geos version 3.4.2
>> (built by Homebrew).
>> The following script will work from a Python prompt but fails (segfaults)
>> from the IPython prompt. After doing some digging it appears that the
>> segfault occurs when accessing some of the methods associated with the
>> generated geos module (_geoslib.so). I've rolled back to previous versions
>> of everything and I still have the same issues.
>> What I cannot figure out is why this would work with a pure Python
>> interpreter, but fail in the IPython console.
>> =====
>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
>> m = Basemap()    # This is where the segfault occurs
>> m.drawcoastlines()
>> plt.show()
>> =====
>> I originally posted this on the IPython Users list and got no response,
>> so I thought I would try here before posting a bug on both IPython and
>> Basemap's Github issue trackers.
>> Thanks for any help or ideas on fixing this issue, or at least on how to
>> track down this issue...
>> Patrick
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