[IPython-dev] Passing Arguments to Kernels

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 13:02:52 EST 2013

Le 29 déc. 2013 à 17:55, Andrew Gibiansky a écrit :

> Thanks!
> I can't really fix this by editing the kernel command in the profile. For the time being I'm hacking around this by writing arguments to a file and having my kernel read them from that file - which is sort of terrible, but works.

Ok, happy you got a workaround :-)

> For (1), I have no idea how you'd go about doing this. I want to be able to start a notebook with something like "IHaskell notebook --extension DataKinds --rcfile ~/.rc.hs", or the same for console.
> These eventually just call `ipython console` and `ipython notebook`, of course, which then calls `IHaskell kernel`. If there is just a single `ipython notebook` which can open any kernel, you can't necessarily do that... 

I suppose we will have to separate the server profiles from kernel profiles, and 
you can register a kernel "profile" as to one of the options to start a kernel.
I suppose we will try to discuss that during mid-january meeting in berkley.
 Of course I think we are adventuring in an erea which hasn't been explored
and where it is difficult to imagine the future especially with multiple kernel. 
Thats typically the area where the things you need to pass to your kernel 
are valuable input on what we need to design. 

> -- Andrew
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