[IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific Help items

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Fri Dec 27 09:46:02 EST 2013

Le 27 déc. 2013 à 15:30, António Seabra a écrit :

> Couln't find something similar to NotebookApp.webapp_settings = {'template_path':<your path>} in notebookapp.py, but perhaps this was the line of code (obviously replacing <your path>) I should add? It would be nice if IPython could search at startup for alternative templates.

$ mkdir eraseme
$ cp ~/ipython/IPython/html/templates/*.html ./

modify templates

$ ipython notebook --NotebookApp.webapp_settings="{'template_path':'/Users/bussonniermatthias/eraseme'}"

Works for me, but it is try that we could try to make it an extra search path. 

You could of course set 


In your config files. 


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