[IPython-dev] MEP19: Continuous integration virtual meeting

Michael Droettboom mdroe at stsci.edu
Thu Aug 1 14:42:00 EDT 2013

(Apologies for cross-posting).

matplotlib has a dire need to improve its continuous integration 
testing.  I've drafted MEP19 and solicited comments, but there hasn't 
been a lot of feedback thus far.

As an alternative to mailing list discussion, where this sort of upfront 
planning can sometimes be difficult, I'm considering holding a Google 
Hangout in the next few weeks on the subject.  It's ok to participate 
even if you don't have the time to work on matplotlib -- I would also 
like feedback from advice from those that have configured similar 
systems for other projects.  matplotlib's needs are somewhat more 
complex in terms of dependencies, cpu, ram and storage, so we're pushing 
things pretty far here.

If there's enough people with an interest in participating in the 
discussion, I'll send around a Doodle poll to find a good time.


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