[IPython-dev] First Performance Result

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 17:49:03 EDT 2010


Thanks for this!  Sorry I have been so quiet, I have been sick for the last
few days.

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:22 AM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have the basic queue built into the controller, and a kernel embedded
> into the Engine, enough to make a simple performance test.
> I submitted 32k simple execute requests in a row (round robin to engines,
> explicit multiplexing), then timed the receipt of the results (tic each 1k).
> I did it once with 2 engines, once with 32. (still on a 2-core machine, all
> over tcp on loopback).
> Messages went out at an average of 5400 msgs/s, and the results came back
> at ~900 msgs/s.
> So that's 32k jobs submitted in 5.85s, and the last job completed and
> returned its result 43.24s  after the submission of the first one (37.30s
> for 32 engines). On average, a message is sent and received every 1.25 ms.
> When sending very small number of requests (1-10) in this way to just one
> engine, it gets closer to 1.75 ms round trip.
This is great!  For reference, what is your ping time on localhost?

> In all, it seems to be a good order of magnitude quicker than the Twisted
> implementation for these small messages.
That is what I would expect.

> Identifying the cost of json for small messages:
> Outgoing messages go at 9500/s if I use cPickle for serialization instead
> of json. Round trip to 1 engine for 32k messages: 35s. Round trip to 1
> engine for 32k messages with json: 53s.
> It would appear that json is contributing 50% to the overall run time.
Seems like we know what to do about json now, right?

> With %timeit x.loads(x.dumps(msg))
> on a basic message, I find that json is ~15x slower than cPickle.
> And by these crude estimates, with json, we spend about 35% of our time
> serializing, as opposed to just 2.5% with pickle.
> I attached a bar plot of the average replies per second over each 1000 msg
> block, overlaying numbers for 2 engines and for 32. I did the same comparing
> pickle and json for 1 and 2 engines.
> The messages are small, but a tiny amount of work is done in the kernel.
> The jobs were submitted like this:
>         for i in xrange(32e3/len(engines)):
>           for eid,key in engines.iteritems():
>             thesession.send(queue, "execute_request",
> dict(code='id=%i'%(int(eid)+i)),ident=str(key))

One thing that is *really* significant is that the requests per/second goes
up with 2 engines connected!  Not sure why this is the case by my guess is
that 0MQ does the queuing/networking in a separate thread and it is able to
overlap logic and communication.  This is wonderful and bodes well for us.



Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu
ellisonbg at gmail.com
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