[IPython-dev] Practices for .10 or .11 profile formats

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 16:51:14 EDT 2010

Hi Erik,

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Erik Tollerud <erik.tollerud at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been meaning to add some ipython profiles to a project I'm
> working on ("recommended interactive environments" as it were), but
> I'm a little unclear as to what is the best way is to do this.  I
> personally much prefer the .11 style profiles, but of course that's
> still in development, so I can't put it as a profile for general use
> until there's been some kind of release.  So is .11 in some form
> likely to be out soon?  Or a 10.1 that might include support for
> .11-style profiles?  Or is it best to include both .11 and .10
> profiles?

I'm afraid right now,  shipping both is the only viable solution.  I'd
recommend you simply put all non-trivial code in a common file,  and
refer to that file from both profiles.  That way the duplication is
minimal and trivial to maintain.

Because we're making so much deep work on 0.11, I think it will  be a
couple of months before it's ready for release.  While 0.10.1 is
almost ready, we're just waiting for:

- the work Justin, Matthew, Satra et al are doing on batch systems
- for one of us to take a couple of hours to merge in Tom's git pull
requests with a lot of nice  clenaup.
- Jonathan March's bugfix
- A fix for a small wx bug I think I introduced.
- anything I'm missing?

Basically I think 0.10.1 is very close to getting out, while 0.11 is
certainly a few months away (hopefully no more than 3).



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