[IPython-dev] DreamPie - a new graphical Python shell

Noam Yorav-Raphael noamraph at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 04:56:35 EST 2010


My name is Noam Yorav-Raphael. I wanted to let you know that I wrote a
new graphical Python shell called DreamPie, and I would like to have
your feedback as the developers of a mature Python shell.

DreamPie is quite similar to IDLE, in that it uses the graphical user
interface to give you automatic completions and tooltips showing
function arguments. It's similar to IPython in that it has a result
history, and in that it supports using matplotlib.

It also offers these unique features:
* Long output can be folded, so as not to distract you from the
important results. Also, textual results can be saved to external
files or viewed in an external viewer.
* You can type any amount of code and execute it at once. The Copy
Code Only command lets you easily copy successful commands into a
Python module you're editing.
* History can be saved to HTML files and loaded back, so you can
record how you got your results and also quickly re-execute commands
from a previous session.

Would you care to give it a try, at http://dreampie.sourceforge.net/ ,
and tell me what you think about it?


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