[IPython-dev] cleaning up frontend tests

Barry Wark barrywark at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 00:30:04 EDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Barry,
>> I'm (finally!) getting around to cleaning up the frontend package
>> tests. The changes are in lp:~barrywark/ipython/ipython-frontend.
>> Launchpad.net's website  doesn't seem to have picked up the branch
>> yet, so I can't formally mark it for review. If someone wants to give
>> it a review, we can get the tests back into trunk.
> Hmm, has this showed up on launchpad yet?

Hmm, weird. No it hasn't. Perhaps I did things in the wrong order. I
tried just pushing my local branch to the lp server without first
registering that branch. I've now registered a branch and pushed my
local branch. You can get it from lp:~barrywark/ipython/frontend.

>> Is there any writeup of the IPython test system? I'm using "nosetests
>> IPython/frontend " to run the tests since I couldn't remember how the
>> IPython test system works, and my normal memory system (Google) is
>> failing me.
> If you have nose installed, you can run the test suite using the
> iptest command line program.  This is a new script that is installed
> with IPython that runs nose with all the right flags and plugins
> loaded.  In terms of how to write test tests for the frontend, I
> would:
> * Look how we handle deferreds in existing tests in kernel.
> * Read some of the previous threads we had about this topic.
> As always, please feel free to ask questions or let me know if you
> want me to look at things.

I _think_ I've followed the patterns in the existing code and
discussion from prev threads. When you have time to give it a look,
that'd be great.


> Cheers,
> Brian
>> Thanks,
>> Barry
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