[IPython-dev] Moving pyreadline to launchpad

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 00:08:19 EDT 2008

Hey David,

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 7:18 PM, David Cournapeau
<cournapeau at cslab.kecl.ntt.co.jp> wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 19:56 +0200, Jörgen Stenarson wrote:
>> Yuhui H skrev:
>> >
>> > All I need to do to is:
>> >
>> > bzr branch svn+http://ipython.scipy.org/svn/ipython/pyreadline/trunk pyreadline
>> >
> For the record, if the need appears again: in my experience, the fastest
> and most reliable way to import svn into bzr is to use fast-import bzr
> plugin. It uses the same format as git-export, which means you can use a
> lot of exporters (git, svn, cvs, hg):
> svn-export file:///repo | (cd bzr-rep && bzr fast-import - -v)
> The only drawback is it requires you to have a fast access to the repo,
> which is trivial if you have the svn dump. But the code is stable, much
> better than bzr-svn which tries to be too smart IMHO for this kind of
> tasks (one time import).

Thanks for the pointer.  In this case it seems that bzr-svn ended up
working OK for Jorgen's needs, but if anything funky turns up after
closer examination, the raw dumps are still up so he could use your



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