[IPython-dev] [IPython-user] Porting SVN history to Launchpad - help needed.

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 03:28:18 EDT 2008

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 12:09 AM, David Cournapeau
<david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> Fernando Perez wrote:
>> If you can find some combination of bzr merge/bundle/rebase that would
>> do the trick, let me know.
> I was thinking about using a bigger hammer (git + bzr export).
>> It kind of annoys me that one apparently can't force a bundle to apply
>> (it's just a diff, after all!). There must be a way to do this...
> bundle is not just a diff: it records information about file move and the
> likes (which is useless in this case, since svn does not know about rename,
> it just delete/copy). AFAIK, that's one fundamental difference between git
> and bzr. I would not be able to explain the differences, but I know some
> people chose git for this exact reasons (and that's why I think using git
> for the import will be less hassle here).

By all means, if git/bzr does the job, go for it!

And yes, I was sloppy above, I know bundles contain extra info beyond
the diff.  But what I meant was that it should be possible to tell bzr
simply to apply a bundle off a given point, much like you can with
diff/patch.  In fact that's precisely what bzr graft does, but I don't
feel like learning the bzr API right now just to update 'bzr graft'
for a one-off operation we want to perform.

Thanks a lot for being willing to help here!



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