[IPython-dev] IPython and Leo

Ville M. Vainio vivainio at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 13:06:36 EST 2008

On Jan 20, 2008 7:48 PM, Ville M. Vainio <vivainio at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, it might be fun to play with the IPython integration with Leo a
> bit; I somehow missed/forgot the original discussion. Perhaps at some
> point we might want to push out ipy_leo.py IPython extension to
> facilitate some interoperability tasks. I haven't used Leo in a while,
> so perhaps it's time to have another look...

Note - I suppose Leo can also be extended to integrate well with IPython?

What would really make my day is the ability to do this:

[~]|29> s = "some sring"
[~]|30> %leo s

and then you would have the 's' as node in leo, and editing the string
(or perhaps some other variable type, e.g. pretty printed array) would
update the IPython variable s as well!

Too bad I was unable to install Leo now that I tried - the .exe
installer complained that I did not have python installed (which is of
course untrue, the standard distutils .exe installer worked ok...)

Ville M. Vainio - vivainio.googlepages.com
blog=360.yahoo.com/villevainio - g[mail | talk]='vivainio'

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